Festa Major Estaís
Festes i tradicions
05/08/2017 00:00
Missa, Bitlles, Màgia i balls de tarda i de nit!
All Dates
- 05/08/2017 00:00
Missa, Bitlles, Màgia i balls de tarda i de nit!
PARK HOUSE Sant Maurici street, 5 25597 ESPOT Tel: 973 624 036
For any administrative PROCEDURE. Tel: 973 624 045
It all began in the summer of 1987, when some guardians of the refuges in the area, spontaneously, decided to turn around at the Aigüestortes and Estany de Sant Maurici National Park in a single day. They only tried to make a simple complimentary visit to the other refuges. The name of Carros de Foc (Fire Carts) was born. https://www.carrosdefoc.com/en/